My Surf Psychology Retreat

A Testimonial by Bianca Capstik

I first came across Coconut Corner and Lisa’s surf psychology course via a day course advertised by Ninefoot Studio as a collaborative course covering of surf survival skills and ‘surf psychology’ – i.e., some of the mental barriers that surfers can face when out on the waves. 

I’d first given surfing a go about five years before moving to Bali and had got myself in a nasty accident that left me too traumatized to try again. But having lived in Bali throughout the whole pandemic and knowing how much I had loved surfing – and being in, on and under the water in general – I really wanted to face that fear. I also wanted to make the most of a rare opportunity, to learn and surf almost empty line ups in one of the best places to surf in the world and regain my confidence in the ocean. 

I had been learning and dedicated to almost daily surf sessions with a coach for about 8 months, and alongside this completed my Level 1 freedive course and was regularly going out on freedive training sessions to help my confidence under the water when I saw the day course advertised.  

What I struggled with

Despite my love of the ocean and how much I was enjoying surfing, I was really really struggling with my take off, pop-up and feeling a lot of anxiety around the waves, the size and managing other surfers in the water. I knew I was fit enough to pop-up, and I also knew that my fear wasn’t really related to being held under water because of my freedive training. I knew something was holding me back, that it was a mental barrier, possibly a little irrational, but I had no idea how to move through it- or that anything even existed to help with these concerns. 

Lisa’s surf psychology course really spoke to me because just knowing it existed helped reassure me that I wasn’t alone with my fears. We met up to have a conversation about what Lisa offered at Coconut Corner – which included surf coaching, fitness training, psychology and hypnotherapy and as (one of the BEST) investments I have ever given to myself, I co-created a sort of private Surf Psychology Retreat with Lisa, so that I could step out of the environment where I was struggling (living on and surfing daily on Nusa Lembongan Island) and get to the heart of my fears so that I could work through them. 

How Lisa helped me

As well as the basics covered in a Surf Theory session (reading waves, reports, etiquette, wind direction etc.), I went out on some very mindful surfing sessions with Lisa where I was challenged to read and take my own waves and go for those larger than I usually would. We would have a moment after each wave where I would try to articulate what my fears were, or what had gone on in my mind when I pulled away or backed out. 

It was quite challenging work, because for me, I quickly realized that the fears didn’t really relate to the ocean or a fear of injury – but more a lack of confidence in myself, my ability and having the confidence to be seen, exist and assert myself (nicely!) in the lineup.  

The ocean, and surfing in particular is an amazing mirror and trigger to whatever you have going on personally – which makes in an amazing mental and mindful sport – along with of course, being one of the most fun ways to enjoy the ocean. It just takes determination, practice and patience – and most of importantly, serving as a reminder to manage your ego and have fun – which is what makes it so special. 

Working with Lisa helped me learn about myself and revisit some uncomfortable truths in my self-confidence, along with the way I speak to myself when I feel like I’m failing – all which, along with improving the physical skills or surfing, have been invaluable to work through. 

The Surf Coach – Franki the wizard

Along with surfing with Lisa, she introduced me to her coach Frankie – and that was also one of the most invaluable parts of this experience. 7 months on, I am still surfing with him regularly and (along with Lisa) he has transformed both my mental state and physical ability in the ocean. 

Frankie is one of the most intuitive humans I have ever met. Lisa and I call him a wizard. He doesn’t miss a trick – where the fears and traumas manifest in your body, how you respond etc. Mine in particular all relates to where I focus my gaze and actually trusting and slowing down my movements to improve my technique. 

The result

In 6 months I have gone from my body being almost paralyzed with fear when I see a big wave coming towards me which resulted in a slow and overly cautious take off where I wouldn’t be standing until my board had hit the bottom of the wave; to being able to paddle towards big waves, make a snap turn last minute to take it, jump into my take off and ride the high line of the wave – all through both physical skills, but most importantly, the mental tools to manage my mindset. 

I have so much more confidence and joy in the ocean. I still have days where my surf is off, but I don’t mentally beat myself up on those days and can be much more mindful about what is going on/able to let it go when I do. 

I couldn’t recommend a stay here more!! Aside from the skills and mental benefits, Lisa’s place is nothing short of a sanctuary to me. I have stayed there even when I haven’t been surfing, and I am now lucky enough to call this wonderful soul my friend. 

She is insightful, professional, caring and strong – and absolutely driven to support her guests and see them succeed. Her place is set among palm trees, overlooking rice paddies and surrounded by the sounds of nature – and I will continue to return for stays and surfs as long as I am I Bali. 

Thank you again Lisa for everything. I’m so grateful for the experience and to call you, my friend. 



Author Bio

Lisa Davidsson is the founder and owner of Coconut Corner. Lisa is a psychologist and hypnotherapist. She occasionally feel inspired to do some writing and this space is here mainly to accommodate her creative outlet.


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